Did you know there’s more to pallet craft projects than your typical pallet wall or coffee table? You can make almost anything with pallets and pallet wood.
From time to time we come across a pallet project that really makes our jaws hit the floor. So in this blog we’d like to introduce you to the unusual, but sensational, pallet projects that have been passed around our office this year!
Remember if you’re planning to undertake a pallet project use safe pallets, not discarded pallets. Check out our blogs on pallet markings and pallet sizes and buy your pallets very cost-effectively from a safe source. We sell pallets and pallet boards online from only 50p +VAT!!! And we’ll even pick out newer or more aged pallets to help you get the look you’d like! Build safely and have fun!
1) Pallet TV Mount
We love a simple pallet project, virtually anyone can make this mount. And with a lick of paint your pallets can become the ultimate contemporary piece for your living room. Teaming this with a painted pallet coffee-table would look amazing too!

This mount is made from two pallets and then they’ve just made a few simple cuts and added hinges to create the fold out shelves.
And below, if you’re really feeling adventurous you could add in strip LED lights behind your pallet TV mount!

2) Pallet Office
When people ask us about our dream office…

In this office in Amsterdam, the architects wanted to create an inviting and multifunctional space for the creative agency based here. We love the pallet desks and the pallet staircase, though you’ll want to be a pallet project expert if you’d like to create similar. While the pallets look haphazard and rickety, they’ve been carefully secured together, so draw out a plan and use pallets such as the Stamped Euro Pallets which are guaranteed to come in perfectly equal sizes.

3) Pallet House
If #2 looks cool to you, but you’ve already got an office thanks very much, try a pallet house!

This beautiful tiny house was originally designed as temporary housing for refugees, each family could easily commission the size and features of their tiny house per their requirements. Wondrously creative solutions came out of this project.
Obviously these tiny houses probably won’t suit you all year round, but we think it’s great inspiration for a summer house for semi-outdoor dining, or children’s play house. These houses are light and airy, easily configurable and quick to complete! But again, you’ll want to be a bit of a pro when it comes to construction for this one!

4) Pallet Lamps
Back to a simpler pallet build. We’ve seen a wondrous variety of lamps made from pallets and pallet parts, and wanted to share our favourites with you. Most of these are easy to make and look fabulous alongside a few other pieces of pallet furniture.

For image sources, please click each image.
5) Pallet Shower
Hot days like these make us wish we had a refreshing outdoor pallet shower! These are relatively easy to build if you have an outdoor water source. Be sure to sand and treat the pallet wood to make sure it stays in tip-top condition.

6) Pallet Rocking Chair
We’ve seen a few different pallet rocking chair designs over the last few years, but here are a few that look particularly inviting to us.
For image sources, please click each image.
7) Pallet Swing Bed
Sticking to the rocking theme, pallet swing beds are amazing. Think ‘hammock’ but bigger and less fiddly to get in and out of.

So long as you have a few well-established, sturdy trees in your back garden or a sturdy porch, these are pretty simple to make. Add a lick of outdoor paint / varnish and a few questions and you’re ready to laze about in this, thankfully, glorious weather!

8) Pallet Chicken Coop
If you’re the green-thumbed, animal loving type with a large garden, you’ll likely have wondered at one time or another ‘could I have my own coop?’. Well the answer is YES and these pallet chicken coops are here to inspire you!

Images from recycled-things.com
Remember to make them completely secure and treat them with pet-friendly outdoor paint or varnish, such as Cuprinol Garden Shades. Always check the pack to make sure it’s safe for your pets. Similarly you could make exciting rabbit or guinea pig hutches in the same way.
9) Pallet Treehouse or Playhouse
And if the kids are jealous of the chickens’ new coop, build them a coop of their very own. Pallet tree houses and playhouses are a great way to make an affordable hideaway for the kids’ adventures!

You don’t have to have an engineering degree, but it’d help. Seasoned pallet project professionals only for this build! And if you’re a pro woodworker, can we tempt you with a pallet fortress?

10) Pallet Staircase
Another great pallet project for our pro woodworkers is the pallet staircase. This set of stairs makes great use of the pallet gaps as surplus storage space, it’s a staircase and a bookshelf in one!

Not a pro? Not a problem, why not clad your staircase with pallet wood for a great rustic effect?

11) Pallet Bridge
Ok, so we’re not going to be building any Golden Pallet-Gate bridges any time soon, but you can make a tiny bridge for your garden relatively easily!

12) Pallet Maze
If you have a really really big garden, perhaps you’d consider a pallet maze? Planning is the hardest part when it comes to your pallet maze, but construction should be fairly simple. You can dig and brick-line the footprint of your pallet maze and then just add pallets. Get clever by planning secret trap doors and dead ends!

13) Pallet Side Table
This is a particularly beautiful example of a simple pallet build, add paint, a custom cut glass top and lights, and voila! Your hallway will be transformed!

14) Pallet Sliding Doors
If you’re so over the conventional opening hinged door, pallet sliding doors are the doors for you! We wouldn’t recommend these for your front door, but any other doorway that has a good amount of wall space next to it can be transformed into a pallet sliding door!

15) Pallet Wardrobe
This design is pretty simple to put together and we love that it still looks like pallets!

16) Pallet Obstacle Course
If you’re planning on applying for Ninja Warrior, you might want to master the pallet obstacle course first!
17) Pallet Crazy Golf
If you’re really looking for a challenge, try pallet crazy golf. You’ll need pallets, bits and bobs and a lot of imagination!