We’re frequently amazed at the prices being charged for pallet creations that really are relatively simple to make with a trusty pallet and a little know-how. So in this blog we’ll show you a few of these high-end products and tell you how you can make your own.

Pallet Dog Bed
Popular online craft shops sell pallet dog and cat beds from around £40-£250, and some of these are actually as simple as inverting a pallet and adding a cushy lining for your favourite four-legged friend.
Pallet dog and cat beds come in a wide variety or shapes and sizes, some designs out there will require some serious woodworking tools, but others are pretty easy – even for a pallet project novice! So here are a few DIY examples to inspire you.
Here’s a beautiful dog bed tutorial
And here’s one for those who are more experienced with pallet projects
And here’s a super-simple dog bed, perfect for the giant pooch in your life
Pallets suitable for dog beds start from as little as £2.50 each online.
We wrote a great blog last year, Pallets For Pets, which features more dog bed inspiration as well as pallet projects for lots of other types of pets. And please remember, when it comes to your pets health and wellbeing do not use a discarded pallet for their bed – discarded pallets can be dangerous!
Pallet Planters
We were AMAZED last summer when taking a trip around the local garden centre that they were selling pallet collars as swanky, contemporary raised bed planters!
And yes, they look really cool, are super easy to install and work like a charm – but who would pay twice as much as we charge for them just to get them from a leading DIY store?! Well apparently, lots of people would – they sold out before the end of the summer!
Do yourself a favour and simply buy a few pallet collars to spruce up your garden this spring.
It really couldn’t be easier to make your very own raised planter with pallet collars, take a look at this instructional video
You can even get creative by mixing different sized and heights of pallet collar to create a really cool feature in your garden!
Or even theme your entire garden on pallet collars, like our Finance Manager Tom White has done – looking good Tom!

Pallet coffee table
Back to a classic easy-to-make pallet project – the pallet coffee table. We’ve seen lots of exciting variations on this lately thanks to a bit of a boom in the table/chair leg option market. There are all sorts of cool little or tall leg options available from the local DIY store at the moment.
We’re always seeing pallet coffee tables on popular online craft shops, and they range from over £1000 all the way down to £40. Some of the most pricey ones are actually staggeringly simple to make and we can’t understand why you wouldn’t just buy a pallet from our shop plus a few loose boards, sand and varnish it, and screw your choice off legs on – boom you’re done!
Here’s a tutorial, where 2 pallets are used, but actually using loose boards means you don’t even need to break any pallets apart at all!
And you’ll find loads of cool leg or caster options at the local DIY store.
Here’s some more inspiration if you want to take your pallet coffee table to the next level.
Image credit easypalletideas.com
Image credit The Owner Builder Network
Pallet Sofa
Pallet sofas – without cushions – usually go for a few hundred pounds online. But in reality they probably only need to cost £40-£100 in raw materials, depending on the size you want to go for. You can literally stack pallets on top of each other, add one behind for a sturdy back, screw them all together, sand and varnish. Then you’re ready to add pallet cushions and done!
For pallet sofas we recommend using EURO pallets because they’re all guaranteed to be identically sized – something that’ll be important when you come to screw them all together.
And then the rest is totally up to you. Indoor, outdoor, corner sofa or plus pallet chairs, the possibilities are endless.