With school restricted to distance learning, at least for the next few weeks, parents are back to trying to work from home and/or entertain the kids full time. This is no small feat! We’ve put together a few age-appropriate creative pallet project ideas for kids that’ll hopefully keep ‘em out of mischief for a spell!

It’s #Lockdown3, and we’re getting better at this, but it’s still an incredibly hard time! We’re glad to see the BBC putting educational programming out daily as well as the return of Joe Wicks to burn off a bit of that youthful energy! Your little ones may also like to join in on some pretty cool educational content from the National Marine Aquarium!
As you may be aware, we’re a little pallet obsessed! And we have our own crafty tricks up our sleeves for all sorts of age groups. So here are a few suggestions of beginner pallet projects you can get the kids involved in!
Painting Pallets (Age 5-7+)
Water based paints work well on wood, so stock up on poster paint and brushes, lay out some old newspaper and let the kids use their imagination.
A little help from you and your jigsaw can lead to hours of creative painting fun for little children. Valentine’s Day is coming up, why not cut out wooden hearts and have the kids paint them as gifts for their parents, and siblings.

Book ends are another simple pallet project for parents that kids can complete, choosing their own colour and design to complement their bedrooms. Here’s a quick guide on making them in your workshop.

Finally, if you kids are after a bit more of a challenge they could make their own jumbo dominos set! They’ll need your help on this one too – cut out rectangular blocks (be sure to stick to the 1 to 2 ratio necessary for a game of dominos) and then print this checklist out for the kids to tick off the designs they need to paint. This works best with an older child to supervise and direct but it’s a great project for siblings. Aside from the game of dominos, endless hours of fun can be had from building houses or rallies to knock down (you might need to make extra dominos!!)

Planting Pallets (Age 7-15+)
It may not feel like it, but spring is right around the corner, and now is the perfect time to get the kids planting flowers, fruits and veg! This is a long-term project and a long-term responsibility, as well as a fun educational task while they’re out of school.
And once the plants have grown there’s more to do! Pressing flowers, making their own jam and cooking their own soup right from the garden!
Pallets are a fantastic, budget-friendly way to add to your garden. Don’t waste money on ‘trendy’ wooden planters from the DIY shop, they’re literally just pallet collars with a huge price markup! Grab a few pallet collars, dig a foundation in your garden for them and top up with good quality soil – hey presto you’re ready to plant!! Here’s some inspiration from our blog.

Here’s an idea of what fruit and veg to plant in February.
And here are some flowers that can be planted now.
Plant care is a great project for older kids and teens because they have to keep a schedule of care for their plants which not only gives them some busy work every day, but can inspire a love of biology.
Aside from pallet planters, traditional pallets can be transformed into amazing wall gardens! Plant some trendy succulents, bright flowers for the spring, or even make a little herb garden for the kitchen!

Pallet Projects (Age 15+)
For teens missing out on their fav DT classes at school fear not – pallet projects to the rescue!
We’ve picked out a few good beginner projects for teens, and while you should use your discretion when it comes to supervision, these projects can be made without big powertools.
The pallet table has to be one of our favourites! All you need is a few pallets, your choice of castor wheels or table legs, screws and power screwdriver (supervised!), sanding paper, primer and paint or varnish of their choice. If the kids have their own hang-out room they can make a cool coffee table, if they suddenly find themselves distance learning without a desk then they could make a desk too!

Pallet tree swings are an awesome project ahead of the better weather! If you have a suitable trree in your garden the kids will love this one! All you need is a pallet, strong rope (be sure to consult your local DIY shop on the type and strength of rope needed!), a spirit level, sanding paper, primer and paint. Make sure the pallet swing is pretty low to the ground, we don’t want any injuries!
Here’s a great instructional video to follow:
Pallet jewellery organisers are easy to make and super useful when it comes to tidying that teen’s bedroom! All you’ll need for this one is a pallet, sandpaper and paint or varnish, a hammer, and an assortment of hooks and nails.

Pallet Safety
It’s especially important to ensure the pallets you are using are safe when children are involved in a pallet craft or the use of a pallet project. Pallets (new or used) are an industrial item, they will have rough edges and will need to be well sanded to reduce the risk of splinters and sharp edges.
Please ensure your children are supervised during any pallet project and most importantly please do not use a discarded pallet. Discarded pallets are often discarded for a reason. They may have loose nails, they may be broken, they may have had chemicals on them, or they may have been used to transport food and could even be contaminated.
The safest pallet is a pallet with a history. So whether you want to use a brand new pallet or are looking for a bit of well used rustic charm, we have the pallets for you and we deliver uk-wide. Take a look through our shop or get in touch with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to ask about the best pallet types for your project.