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  7. Halloween Crafts: Low Cost And Resuable

Halloween Crafts: Low Cost And Resuable

There may not be as much trick-or-treating or dressing up as normal this Halloween, but there are still plenty of opportunities to brighten up your home and bring a smile to people passing by your front door without having to spend a lot of money. 

Here are a few of our favourite low-cost and reusable ideas.

Pallet Pumpkins

Make these once from pallet wood and you can use them again and again, repainting them every year to suit your theme or just letting them age naturally. Easy to store flat in your shed or garage the rest of the year. 

pallet pumpkins

pallet pumpkin

Here are a few tutorials to get you started:

Witches, Dracula And More… 

These great big pallet faces are a great project to do with the kids – they can choose a colour for the pallet wood, then you (or they) can paint on some googly eyes and voila! Great to put out in the garden, and easy to repaint year after year. 

Halloween AND Christmas! 

We’re seeing a few ‘reversible’ designs this year and we’re loving them. One month your creation looks like a stack of pumpkins, the next month it’s a snowman! You could do the same with your googly-eyed witches and scarecrows above too.

Here’s a easy example from Etsy that doesn’t require any precise wood cutting (these ones aren’t available in the UK):

pallet faces

Here’s a more ambitious idea… can you see how it would look like a snowman when reversed and painted?

pallet pumpkin stack

All In The Details

If you’re more of an artist than a woodworker, keep the pallet wood crafting simple with a bit of sanding and staining (you won’t need any power tools for this sort of project) and invest in some creative artwork instead. Sure to look creepy in your window, on your porch (make sure you use a weatherproof clear varnish if you’re putting it outside!) or anywhere else that it might catch someone’s eye! 

pallet art for halloween halloween pallet art

Costume Ideas

If you are taking the little ones trick-or-treating, or even getting dressed up at home for a mini family Halloween party, there are lots of suggestions out there for costumes that won’t cost the earth. Take a look at this article for alternatives to buying one-off costumes online, as an example. 

Whatever your plans, we hope you have a good time this Halloween – send us photos of your creations, we’d love to share them with others!

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